The Shangri La Hotel is located alongside the Chao Praya River and is an excellent place to enjoy lunch
overlooking the busy river traffic. Anne and I, along with our friends Ken and Darla, had lunched here
back in 1994 and enjoyed it so we decided to give it another whirl. We weren't disappointed. The staff
is helpful and will explain anything on the menu you don't understand, and they are friendly.

Shangri La Hotel
We enjoyed a good lunch at the Shangri La. I had an excellent Thai curry that was spicy and tasteful. While we were sitting there we noticed the Oriental Hotel right next door. It was so close you could throw a stone and hit it. After lunch we decided to walk over and pick up a few brochures for a tour to Ayutthaya and return luncheon cruise aboard the Oriental Princess that we were taking the next day. Even though the buildings are that close there was no way to go directly from one to the other. We needed to walk on the outside streets to reach the Oriental. What an experience that turned out to be. What I thought would be a five minute walk turned into a half-hour "where are we now" kind of walk, but we enjoyed navigating the streets of Bangkok. Take a look at a few pictures we took along the way ...
Street scenes in Bangkok. Notice in the picture left and right the overhead wires. Looking at the maze
of wires I was astonished at how poorly they were strung and wondered how many people got
electrocuted annually during the rainy season. I understand there were quite a few.

The lobby of the Oriental

John standing by the pool

Anne walking along a garden path

For those of you into the status thing, the Shangri La and Oriental hotels are the "in" hotels of Bangkok. They are both beautiful and offer their guests luxury accommodations. We've never stayed at either ... maybe next time.

I mentioned earlier that we had a friend, Derek, in Bangkok that we looked forward to seeing. Derek and I worked together in the late 80's. He has since relocated to Bangkok and is now the owner of one of the dinner barges that ply the Chao Praya River nightly serving guests traditional Thai food and excellent city scenes from the river. We managed to meet with him three nights during one of our stays and he entertained us aboard his rice barge. Join us on the next page for pictures of our time with Derek ...

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Welcome to our China 2001 Photo Album
Planning and Getting there: Grand Circle Tours and Northwest Airlines
Beijing : Arriving in Beijing | Tiananmen Square | The Imperial (Forbidden) Palace (1) | The Imperial Palace (2) | The Nine Sons of the Dragon
The Imperial Palace Garden | The Summer Palace | Summer Palace (2) | Summer Palace (3) | Summer Palace (4) | Local Beijing Market
Local Beijing Market (2) | Hutong | Bell Tower | Hutong Family, Dinner and the Opera | Cloisonné Factory | Ming Tombs | Ming Tombs (2)
Great Wall of China at Ba Da Ling | Temple of Heaven
Shanghai : Arriving Shanghai | Yuyuan Garden | Yuyuan Garden (2) | The Temple of the Jade Buddha | The Bund | Day Excursion to Suzhou
Silk Process | The Administrator's Garden of Suzhou | Shanghai Museum of Art
Cruising the Yangtze River : Yangtze Cruise, Day 1 | Yangtze Cruise, Day 2 | The Xiling and Wu Gorge | The Lesser Three Gorges
The Lesser Three Gorges (2) | The Qutang Gorge | Wanxian | The Last Day of Cruising | Regal China Cruise Lines
Chongqing : Chongqing
Xi'an : Xi'an and Emperor Qin's Terracotta Warriors | Emperor's Qin's Terracotta Warriors (2) | Great Wild Goose Pagoda and Xi'an City Wall
Quilin : The Limestone Peaks of the Li River | The Limestone Peaks of the Li River (2) | Guilin and the Childrens Park | Children's Park (2) and Reed Flute Cave
The Hotels: Hotels, rail and air travel in China
Hong Kong : Victoria Peak, Repulse Bay and Aberdeen Fishing Village | Hong Kong at Sunset | Hong Kong Bird & Flower Market
| New Territories Fishing Village | Hong Kong Farewell Dinner
Bangkok : Jim Thompson House and Golden Buddha | The Flower Market | The Food Vendors | Grand Palace | Mystical Figures | Brightly Painted Masks on Mystical Figures
Golden Mystical Figures | Buildings of the Grand Palace | Lunching at the Shangri La Hotel | Loy Nava Rice Barge Cruise | Ayutthaya, Ancient Capital of Siam
Wat Yai Chai Mongkol and the Reclining Buddha | Bang Pa In, The Summer Palace |

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